Watch out...

Attack of the Team brought their 'A' game to this one along with 14 players ready to go the full 45 minutes in a hot and humid Clatworthy Arena. There was no need to conserve energy on the floor, sit back or watch the came come to them - this was the first game where the Attack could run three lines and be relentless. New additions in Syed and Minchopoulos didn't look our of place and almost everybody made it to the scoresheet (and that excludes the early parade to the penalty box).

Smitty and the younger Cvetkovski contributed a pair each to the G column while Hewlett and Grant Kealey each scored their first of the season. Koven and Plante joined the multi-goal scorers by also having multi-point nights - each with a pair of assists. Overall, hard to pick at too much after a game like this - especially with the Attack now 6 points clear of the Riot in the standings with 4 games remaining.

Back to back games next week as the Attack take on Team Sleazy before playing their final crossover against the Outlaws.

  Brandon Smith - 2G 1A
  Sebastian Hewlett - 1G 1A
  Grand Kealey - 1G
12 out of 13 players registered at least one point in this game
Brandon Smith picked up his first multi-goal game of the season and 1st star honours
Attack of the Team is 6-0 within their division this season

POST DATE 07.03.2019