When you pull someone off the floor from the previous game to help you out you know you're in trouble.

Unaware the game would run three periods, Richard Touma offered to fill in for the short-benched Attack and helped keep things close for most of the game. In the past it wouldn't be out of the question to steal a win with 8 bodies but the extra period magnifies the deficit in energy and kept this one out of reach. Compounded by the fact Barber was not on form, this one will be recorded as a 5-2 win for The Big Bastone.

Attack of the Team did everything they could to keep in interesting until the end of the second period. Down 1-0 early Kealey got behind the Bastone defense and picked the corner to tie it up. After falling behind again Kealey worked his way into another breakaway and unraveled the Bastone goaltender to tie it up again. From there the rest of the goals would be in Barber's net as he just couldn't squeeze what should have been routine saves.

Full credit for the effort though - everyone wearing black, red and white left it all on the floor. The Attack played a smart two-way game, controlled the pace when they had to and capitalized on their chances early but 12 against 8 will take it out of you sooner or later and in this case the final score was inevitable.

Not much time to rest as the Attack get back to it for a rare Friday game - this one rescheduled from Monday earlier in the week against Team Sleazy.

  Brody O'Donaghue - 2G 1A
  Mark Kealey - 2G
  Brad Bagdor - 1G
Every player on Attack of the Team averaged at least 22 minutes of floor time
Mark Kealey's breakaway percentage in this game was 67%
4 roster players have yet to play a game this season

POST DATE 06.12.2019